AutoSSL notifications are meant to notify users regarding domain validated SSL certificate expiration, installation, and renewal for the domain. cPanel allows users to easily disable AutoSSL email notifications from the “Contact Information” option in the cPanel. This article will help you understand how to easily disable AutoSSL email notifications. But before discussing that, let’s take a quick look at what AutoSSL is and why is it important.
What is AutoSSL?
With data security-related issues increasing every day, protecting your website with an SSL certificate is crucial in today’s world. Even Google’s page ranking policy favor websites that are HTTPS protected. Manual installation and renewal of SSL certificates on VPS hosting is a time a consuming process and can be challenging for users.
AutoSSL is a feature introduced in cPanel & WHM in order to make the renewal and installation of SSL certificates easy. It allows the automatic installation of domain-validated SSL certificates. Users can easily activate this feature from the cPanel & WHM. Once this feature is activated, your website gets secured automatically with a domain-validated SSL certificate.
However, when you enable the AutoSSL feature, by default the AutoSSL notification gets enabled and the system will start notifying users about certificate renewal, expiration, and so on by sending out emails regularly.
Steps to Disable AutoSSL Email Notifications
If you wish to disable AutoSSL email notification from cPanel, follow the steps below.
Case 1– Disable Auto SSL Notification for Single cPanel account
- Login to the Server from WHM -> Select Respected cPanel account.
- Now select the Contact information option on that Respected cPanel account (cPanel >> Preferences >> Contact Information).
- Click on Contact Information and Disable SSL notification.
- Then Click on Save Option at the bottom of the page.
Case 2- Disable Auto SSL Notification Server Wide
- Access the WHM using the root user and password.
- Select SSL/TLS -> Manage AutoSSL from the Left section of WHM.
- Click on the Manage AutoSSL option
- Now choose the options. Here you can disable the SSL notification as per the Client request
- Now select the save option at the bottom of the page
Case 3- To disable all Administrator AutoSSL notification
Login to the server by SSH and run the following API command to disable AutoSSL notification for all cPanel account. Each of these API calls will disable AutoSSL notifications from WHM:
whmapi1 set_autossl_metadata_key key=notify_autossl_expiry value=0
whmapi1 set_autossl_metadata_key key=notify_autossl_expiry_coverage value=0
whmapi1 set_autossl_metadata_key key=notify_autossl_renewal value=0 whmapi1 set_autossl_metadata_key key=notify_autossl_renewal_coverage value=0
whmapi1 set_autossl_metadata_key key=notify_autossl_renewal_coverage_reduced value=0 whmapi1 set_autossl_metadata_key key=notify_autossl_renewal_uncovered_domains value=0
If above command doesn’t resolve the issue, you can try alternative way as explained in Case 4
Case 4- Disable Auto-SSL notification for Single cPanel account or Server wide
cpapi2 --user=$user CustInfo savecontactinfo notify_autossl_renewal=0 notify_autossl_renewal_coverage=0 notify_autossl_expiry_coverage=0 notify_autossl_expiry=0 notify_ssl_expiry=0
While running the command, replace $user with the actual cPanel username.
In case if you want to run this command for all cPanel users, then we have to sort the list of all available user in a Single file and run as follows.
"for i in `cat user.txt`; do cpapi2 --user=$i CustInfo savecontactinfo notify_autossl_renewal=0 notify_autossl_renewal_coverage=0 notify_autossl_expiry_coverage=0 notify_autossl_expiry=0 notify_ssl_expiry=0;done"
Enabling the AutoSSL feature can really be helpful for users. It allows automatic installation and renewal of domain-validated SSL certificate and keep your website secured. However, getting regular notification emails can sometimes become annoying for users. By following the steps mentioned in this blog, users can easily disable AutoSSL email notifications.
If you need any assistance, get in touch with us. ServerAdminz is a leading Server Management company that provides 24/7 cPanel management and web hosting support services to clients all over the world.
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