Bareos (Backup Archiving Recovery Open Sourced)

Bareos is open source software for backup, archiving and recovery of data for all operating systems. This backup program is developed by and the source code always freely available on GitHub.

Github url :

Reasons for Choosing Bareos Backup Solution

  1. Reliable backup and quick restore in case of data loss.
  2. Support of all common operating systems.
  3. Open Source.
  4. Independence from providers through open source code and developer community.
  5. High degree of automation, possible integration into heterogeneous environments.
  6. Disaster recovery possible even without the use of a backup server.

Bareos Architecture


Installing Bareos

  • Select Bareos release
  • Install Bareos software packages
  • Create Bareos Database
  • Start Daemons

Select Bareos release

Add the Bareos repository

wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/bareos.repo $URL/bareos.repo

Install Bareos packages

yum install bareos bareos-database-postgresql bareos-webui

Select Database backend

PostgreSQL is the default backend. MariaDB/MySQL can also use for bareos.


If you are using PostgreSQL and your PostgreSQL administration user is Postgres (default), use following commands.

su postgres -c /usr/lib/bareos/scripts/create_bareos_database

su postgres -c /usr/lib/bareos/scripts/make_bareos_table

su postgres -c /usr/lib/bareos/scripts/grant_bareos_privileges


Make sure, that root has direct access to the local MySQL server. If your root user is secured with the password add it on my.cnf file like below and it will connect database without defining the password.


Creating database and assign provileges


Start the daemons

service bareos-dir start
service bareos-sd start
service bareos-fd start

Bareos Web Interface

You can access bareos web interface by http://<ip-address>/bareos-webui/

Make sure your firewalls accepts HTTP connections.

Creating bareos user using bconsole

add user

configure add console name=admin password=your_password profile=webui-admin

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