The CentOs Web Panel or CWP is an open-source server designed with a feature-rich control panel for quick server management. Since CentOS comes with a lot of automation facilities and long-term release cycles, it simplifies user management. Importantly, the CentOs make server management efficient and easier for businesses with an advanced level of security.
As a leading server management company, we get queries related to the installation of the CWP web panel and its configuration. In this article, we are explaining how to install CentOs web panel (CWP) and configure it with PHP Selector.
Before going deep about how our server engineers do the installation, let us discuss some of the best features of the CentOS web panel.
Features of the Centos Web Panel
- Better stability compared to other free open sources Linux distros
- Advanced level of community support
- CentOS is reliable and fast
- cPanel migration and live monitoring
- Easy-to-use user interface
Related Article: cPanel vs Plesk: Which Web Hosting Control Panel to Choose?
By using CWP, we can configure the Web server, PHP, User management, Security, Email, MySQL, System, and DNS oriented features of a CentOS server. But if you are thinking about how to install CentOS web panel, your server should satisfy some specifications such as,
- An updated version of Centos Server.
- Minimum RAM for 32bit Server – 512 MB and 64bit Server – 1024 MB
- Free drive space – 10 GB
- Static IP address
How To Install CentOS Web Panel & Configure With PHP Selector
Installation of the CentOS web panel is simple and can be done manually on yourself. For the purpose of installing the CentOS web panel, follow the steps:
>> cd /usr/local/src
>> wget http://dl1.centos-webpanel.com/files/cwp-latest.sh
>> sh cwp-latest.sh
Then, in order to make the PHP Selector work, you can build patched suPHP. For this, you should download or unpack suPHP.
>> cd /usr/local/src/
>> wget http://www.suphp.org/download/suphp-0.7.1.tar.gz
>> cd suphp-0.7.1
To implement the Patches, follow the steps below:
>> wget http://repo.cloudlinux.com/cloudlinux/sources/da/cl-apache-patches.tar.gz
>> tar xfz cl-apache-patches.tar.gz
Apply patch using following code piece:
>> patch -p1 < suphp-0.7.1-cagefs.patch
We need to modify the configure file to adopt suPHP sources for it if the Apache is 2.4. For that, the code below can be used.
>> vi configure
Find the section of code piece given below,
major_version=`echo $APACHE_VERSION|cut -f1,2 -d.`
if test “$major_version” = “2.0” -o “$major_version” = “2.2”; then
…and modify the line “if test” with below code piece:
if test “$major_version” = “2.0” -o “$major_version” = “2.2” -o “$major_version” = “2.4”; then
Once the modifications are done, build suPHP using the code given below;
>> ./configure –with-apr=/usr/local/apr/ –with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs -with-setid-mode=paranoid –with-apache-user=nobody –with-gnu-ld –disable-checkpath –sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc –sbindir=/usr/local/sbin
>> make
>> make install
After the successful completion, verify that the suPHP binary has the necessary code. If you are getting the output results as shown below, then you are successful in implementing the installation process.
—- > strings /usr/local/sbin/suphp | grep jail
lve_jail_uid CageFS jail error
If you are not getting the output, recheck all the processes from the beginning and resolve the error.
Finally, change or create the /etc/cl.selector/native.conf as below,
php=/usr/local/bin/php-cgi php-cli=/usr/local/bin/php php.ini=/usr/local/php/php.ini php-
Related Article: How To Update PHP Version on cPanel?
Wrapping up
The article explains how to install CentOS Web Panel and configure it with PHP Selector on yourself. Generally, there are chances of getting an error even though you have done your installation process correctly without making any mistakes. Expert engineers of ServerAdminz are available 24*7 to assist you with round-the-clock support in providing the best server support services.
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